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Tj’s Daily Blog #45 – Brown Hawk Down

The Daily Photo- February 14th, 2016

Brown Hawk Down

Today, while Julie and I were filming a video at Lineage Brewing (Lineage Brewing won Clintonville Business of the Year, check them out!), we heard a loud thump. I mean a really loud thump. It sounded like someone threw a heavy ice ball at the wall, but it was no ice ball…

1/250 @ f/11 ISO 200. None of us were sure it would fly at this point, but the hawk was getting more alert.

We looked outside to see what the commotion was. Turns out the thump was a big hawk that had ran right into the window! There they were, these two birds, laying lifeless on the patio. Quickly, after the shock wore off of all of us, friends were called and a plan was made for someone to take it to a wildlife rescue center. Luckily, it turns out that when large raptors hit a glass window, they get stunned for a while and, most of the time, get up and fly away. Which is exactly what this hawk did. After acting stunned and out of it for about twenty minutes, the hawk started looking better and more alert. Then, all of a sudden, she got up and flew away.

1/250 @ f/11 ISO 200

We were all worried about the majestic raptor, but they are tough as nails, obviously. The same can’t be said about her prey. The small black bird that was to be lunch was probably deceased before the window impact. Maybe she was running from the hawk and inadvertently led them both to smash into the window. Poor bird was a goner from the start.

1/250 @ f/11 ISO 200. The hawk seemed to have lost her appetite after the impact.

If you know the type of hawk this is, let us know in the comments!!!

If you see injured wildlife in your area check out these resources for information!

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