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Spekular in Syndication: Back to Basics

Kevin Deskins is the Product Manager for LumoPro. He’s also the author of the fantastic lighting blog SpekularSpekular in Syndication revisits Kevin’s recent posts.


Kevin looks at the different types of modifiers and how to best take advantage of their capabilities.

“Modifiers can be broken down into 3 types: Spread, Focus, and Color. Each has a different purpose and effect and each is used for a very specific reason.”


Shooting with available light? Kevin explains why a reflector can be your best friends.

“[O]f all the things I don’t leave home without, none is more incredible than a reflector. A reflector is a super versatile, affordable light shaping tool. Of all the complex devices in your camera bag, the reflector is the most basic and has the most to offer.”

Light Color: White Balance

Kevin demystifies white balance and gives you some tips on how to get the best color.

“White balance is typically measured in what’s called degrees Kelvin (K). For example, daylight color is normally around 5500K-5600K as where tungsten color is normally around 3200K. Rule of thumb: The higher the degrees Kelvin, the cooler or bluer the light color, whereas the lower degrees Kelvin, the warmer or more orange the light color. ”

Turning the Lens and Light on Yourself

Kevin takes everything he’s discussed so far and uses his lighting principles to take a self-portrait.

“Early in my photographic career, I decided it was healthy to at least once a year turn the light and the lens on myself. In my opinion, every photographer should take self-portraits. It’s important to understand how it feels to be in front of the camera, not just behind it.”

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